Environment & Health

Fossil Fuel Knocks the Wind Out of Renewable Energy Movement in Ohio
Fossil fuel interests are pouring money into undermining Ohio's wind-energy movement.

Michael Moore: US Pays More for Health Care, Doesn’t Call It a Tax
Moore criticizes debate moderators who ask whether presidential candidates will raise taxes to pay for Medicare for All.

Yes, Food Is Grown in Sewage Waste. That’s a Problem.
The EPA and states must insist municipalities investigate alternative methods for reuse of sewage wastes.

This Turkish Chef Is Fighting Climate Change With the Help of Syrian Refugees
They are helping farming in southeastern Turkey become more resilient to climate change by using traditional knowledge.

In 2020, It’s Time to Make Universal Health Care a Human Right
It’s wrong for both the quality and the duration of our lives to be determined by our income.

In Medical Billing, Fraudulent Charges Weirdly Pass as Legal
If we want to tame the costs in our $3 trillion health system, we’ve got to rein in this behavior.

Why the “Slash-Poison-Burn” Approach to Cancer Has Failed
Cancer research should focus on the very first stages of the disease, says renowned cancer expert, Dr. Azra Raza.

Fighting Water Privatization With “Blue Communities”
Author and activist Maude Barlow talks about the growing global movement to protect public control of water resources.

Holiday Jewelry Presents Could Be Contributing to Deforestation in the Amazon
Recent deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon has been driven in part by a demand for gold.

Okinawans Keep Up Fight Against US Military Base in Biodiverse Oura Bay
Environmental advocates say a US military construction project puts rare corals and the unique marine ecosystem at risk.