Economy & Labor

Residents Fight Back Against Pittsburgh’s Privatized Water Authority
Residents have filed suit against their municipal water authority as well as the corporation that pulls its strings.

Made in America: Walmart’s Misleading Claims
We shouldn't be fooled by the giant retailer's newly populist rhetoric.

Hard Work With Jeb Bush
Bush said that “people need to work longer hours.”

Guerrilla Warfare Against a Hegemonic Power: Challenge and Promise of Greece
Greece could provide an inspiring model of sustainable prosperity for the world.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senators Team Up to Reinstate Glass-Steagall Act, and More
Senators Elizabeth Warren and John McCain have joined forces.

Last-Minute Assault on Wages and Workers in Wisconsin Budget
A number of last-minute additions will make life more difficult for Wisconsin's working families.

Greek Revolt Against Bad Economics Threatens European Elites
A look behind the scenes of the Greek referendum and what could happen next.

The Power of Persistence in New York City’s Fight for Affordable Housing
Organizers are harnessing the energy of the Rent Guidelines Board's rent freeze vote.

Economic Update: Learning From Economic Defeats
This episode explores how The New Deal was both a victory and defeat, and more.

Greece Yields to Austerity Demands Just Days After Historic “No” Vote
Prime Minister Tsipras has submitted a bailout proposal which includes harsh austerity measures.