Economy & Labor

Truth: The First Casualty in Trade Debates
President Obama has indicated that he wants one last stab at pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress before leaving office.

How Urban Governments Are Promoting Worker Co-ops
City governments are shaping up as key actors accelerating worker co-op development.

Comparing the Clinton and Trump Tax Plans
A look at the Trump and Clinton tax proposals, and the evidence about how taxing the wealthy affects economic growth.

Europe and Canada Approve CETA Corporate Trade Deal Despite Heavy Opposition
Protesters from both sides of the Atlantic criticized the pact, citing unnerving similarities with NAFTA and TTIP.

A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Clinton Campaign’s Calculated Decision to Oppose the TPP
How did Clinton manage the epic flip-flop she was forced to make in the course of her campaign over the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

Why the Supreme Court Matters for Workers
Conservative appointments to the US Supreme Court by a Trump presidency would likely continue the decimation of workplace justice.

Making the Rich Pay
Pulling the lever to tax the 1% is about as satisfying as voting gets.

Wage Growth and Prime-Age Employment to Population Ratio Pick Up in October
The October jobs report provides solid evidence that the labor market is improving for most of the labor force.

Economic Update: Economy, Psychology, Mental Health
This episode discusses Harvard's greed, and more.

Crossing the Empathy Wall
At this moment, it seems that neither side feels the need to bridge the empathy wall