Economy & Labor

Will Workplace Safety Survive a Trump Presidency?
What will happen to the gains made during the Obama administration?

Climate Finance for Farmers Is Key to Averting 1 Billion Hungry
When climate change is added to the food security equation, local solutions become more complex.

The Slow, Painful Death of the TPP
The TPP might be dead, but we will have to deal with its legacy in the form of President Trump.

The Six Worst Things About Trump’s Tax Plan
If Congress takes up tax reform in early 2017, the White House will push cuts that would benefit the wealthy, including the president-elect himself and his family members.

Dispatch From Nepal: The Disaster Didn’t End When the Earth Stopped Shaking
The earthquakes that struck Nepal in 2015 are just one ingredient in a toxic brew of suffering.

US Retirement Funds Contribute to Deforestation and Climate Change
As of June 2016, US mutual funds had a net investment of more than $5 billion in palm oil producers.

Trump’s Adviser on Wall Street Regulations Is a Longtime Swamp-Dweller
Trump's transition adviser for financial regulations works for a firm that is emblematic of the Washington revolving door.

These Professors Make More Than a Thousand Bucks an Hour Peddling Mega-Mergers
The economists are leveraging their academic prestige with secret reports justifying corporate concentration.

Economic Update: Moving Beyond Capitalism
This week's episode discusses corporate taxes, and more.

Pacific Northwest Tribes Fight to Protect the Centerpiece of Their Culture
Salmon are under assault from development, pavement, pollution, farming and a changing climate.