
Beyond Violence and Nonviolence: Resistance as a Culture
Resistance is not a band of armed men hell-bent on wreaking havoc. It is not a cell of terrorists scheming to detonate buildings. True resistance is a culture. It …

Savings Are a Lousy Excuse for America’s Trade Deficit
Everyone who's been paying attention knows by now that Americans consume too much and save too little. This is statistically true, but it has unfortunately become the basis of …

“Bottom Kill” Set to Seal Oil Well for Good, but Worries Abound in Louisiana
New Orleans —As BP prepares final operations to permanently seal the once-out-of-control oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana residents are both relieved and wary. Many see government …

Ten Medical Aid Workers Robbed, Killed in Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan — Ten members of an international medical mission, including six Americans, were robbed and killed while returning from a two-week trek through risky parts of eastern Afghanistan, …

The War on Terror: Beyond the Military
The US government routinely uses the term “War on Terror” to describe its military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. But how do we really define this War on Terror? …

What is Intelligence?
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

AFRICOM and Uganda’s Dance With Death
Right after Uganda's horrendous and deadly twin bombings killed 74 people, President Barack Obama spoke with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to express his sadness and to offer condolences for …

The Peace Vision
We are losing the war. Not just the war in Afghanistan, but the war against war itself - the Peace War. One hundred and fourteen members of Congress voted …

Militarization and the Authoritarian Right
Yes, former Bush administration speechwriter and current Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen's demand that “WikiLeaks Must Be Stopped” is, as his colleague Eva Rodriguez notes, "more than a little …

How Many Iraqis Did We “Liberate” From Life on Earth?
Is there a man or woman in America today who is willing to stand at noon in the public square and claim that demands to bomb, invade, and occupy …