
The Way It Was
Shortly after Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, I was invited to a dinner at the Lebanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. in honor of …

A Failed Social Model: Providing Basic Goods Through Crushing Consumer Debt
Occupiers have joined anti-foreclosure advocates to occupy home auctions and abandoned buildings and block foreclosures. A few state attorneys general have begun resisting the Obama administration’s awful mortgage fraud settlement …

Privatization Nightmare: 5 Public Services That Should Never Be Handed Over to Greedy Corporations
Who gains – and who loses – when public assets and jobs are turned over to the private sector? The corporate right endlessly promotes “privatization” of public …

Failure of the Super Committee Might Be the US’s Best Hope for Economic Recovery
The bipartisan super committee will probably fail to meet the self-imposed November 23rd deadline to enact $1.2trillion of cuts over the next ten years. That failure, as Paul Krugman …

Stop the Austerity Train Wreck!
The biggest question right now on Planet Washington is whether the congressional supercommittee will reach an agreement. That’s the wrong question. Agreement or not, Washington is …

The Health Care Industry’s Stranglehold on Congress
One of the reasons why Congress has been largely unable to make the American health care system more efficient and equitable is because of the stranglehold lobbyists for special …

Occupying Jail
His name was Carmine, and he spoke very much as though he were from South Queens, which he was: "What these guys are doing takes a lot …

The Supercommittee Should Go Really Big and Turn Against the 1 Percent
Congressional staff speak with co-chair Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington), as co-chair Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) looks on, at the second meeting of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction …

Lessons of Ohio
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has drawn some important lessons from last week's election in Ohio that repealed a state law severely limiting the collective bargaining rights of public employees. …

You Are Where You Live
“You must leave your home and go forth from your country. The children of Buddha all practice this way.” — The thirty-seven Bodhisattva Practices My friend and …