
Can We Transform Labor’s Buckeye Victory into a New Era of Election Protection?
The crushing defeat Ohio's working people dealt 1% politicians this week has critical implications for a whole other issue—-election protection. In a voting process that might otherwise have …

Syria Uprising Falls Victim to Power Plays
Syrian women at a makeshift refugee camp in the town of Khirbet al-Jouz, along the Syrian-Turkish border, Syria, June 10, 2011. (Photo: The New York Times) Syrians …

Heather Ault: Visualizing 4000 Years of Choice
(Image: ©Heather Ault) Growing up, 39-year-old activist artist Heather Ault never imagined that people had been trying to control their fertility for more than 4000 years. The …

Ten Immodest Commandments: Lessons From a Fumbling-and-Bungling Lifetime of Activism
Occupy Wall Street, October 10. (Photo: DoctorTongs) A friend in Canada recently asked me if the Sixties’ protests had any important lessons to pass on to the …

Lessons We Can Learn From Egypt
Egyptians protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square, April 1, 2011. (Photo: Andrea Bruce / The New York Times) “Imagine waking up from a 30-year coma.” This …

Turning Budget “Failure” Into Success
Washington - Here is a surefire way to cut $7.1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade. Do nothing. That's right. If Congress simply fails to …

Still Occupied
New York - Occupy Wall Street may not occupy Zuccotti Park anymore, but it refuses to surrender its place in the national discourse. Up close, you get the sense …

Class Warfare, Codified
When I was growing up, I knew a lot of kids whose fathers didn't earn a living working in the bowels of a factory like my dad. …

Running on Empty: As Oil Declines, Can We Fill Our Lives With Creative Energy Instead?
The modern industrial lifestyle is predicated on oil. This notion is widely accepted in American society. Less so is the idea that oil supplies are depleting to the point …

Across Europe, All Eyes Fixed on Italy
(Image: Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate) Might we see Italy go careening off the edge in the next few days? I mean, even …