Wall Street Is Dazed and Confused
Astonishingly, some Wall Streeters continue to be clueless about what the Occupy Wall Street movement is protesting. Yoo-hoo, Streeters: Note that the movement's name has the term “Wall Street” …
Ten Years After the Afghan Invasion: Welcome to the Failed State of Americastan
As we step off the Turkish Air flight and walk across the dusty tarmac to the terminal, we are greeted by a large billboard. In big, bold English it …
We, the 99 Percent, Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget
We can fit our demands on a bumpersticker: “Majority Rule” or “People Over Profits” or “Love Not Greed.” But we don't want to. Our government is doing …
From Occupation to Liberation
Words matter, especially in our mediated world where the resonance of language is greatly amplified. In this spirit, among some sectors that are otherwise sympathetic with and supportive of …
The Silence of the Shams
One month into the Occupation protests, our editorial staff of one got to wondering what, if anything, the Democratic members of the U.S. Senate had to say about the …
Madder At Washington Than Wall Street? Wall Street’s The Reason
A USA Today/Gallup poll published this morning suggests that “most Americans blame Wall Street for the nation's economic predicament — but they blame Washington more.” Furthermore, when specifically asked …
Higher Taxes on the Working Poor and Middle Class? Why Conservatives Have Lost Their Minds, And the Public
Over the weekend, featured a discussion I had with Kristen Soltis of the Independent Women's Forum about the conservative response to the “We Are The 99%” mantra …
Framing Occupy Wall Street
Protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement celebrate one month of occupying Zuccotti Park in New York, on October 17, 2011. (Photo: Robert Stolarik / The New York Times) …
More Bathtubs
Last week I criticized David Brooks for not understanding the difference between stocks and flows (that is, between your paycheck and your bank balance). (Paul Krugman instead criticized the …
Crunch Time for Occupy Wall Street
Remembering the agonies I went through when the tanks moved in on Tiananmen Square in June, 1989, I was relieved that most (I wish it were all) of the …