
A Tale of Two Peace Offers
In 2008, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made the Palestinians an offer so reasonable and enlightened it made Ehud Barak's “generous offer” at Camp David look like the Treaty …

The OMG Congress
You can tell politicians are getting nervous. They're playing the “In God We Trust” card again. You'd think that card's all but worn out — Congress did, …

Occupy Wall Street: Crafting a Constitutional Amendment to Stop the 1%
We’ve seen the signs and heard the chants: “Abolish Corporate Personhood!” I’m very sympathetic to the cause of reducing the power of big business corporations to control …

Big Change Whether We Like It or Not
In every aspect of human existence, change is a constant. Yet change that actually matters occurs only rarely. Even then, except in retrospect, genuinely transformative change is difficult …

Big Corporation, Tiny Heart
How small can a giant corporation get? I don't mean in size, but in spirit. Once again, America's biggest commercial empire — Walmart — is displaying its …

Why We May Be in Store for a Passionless Presidential Race
Polls show Americans angrier and more polarized than at any time since the Vietnam War. That’s not surprising. We have the worst economy since the Great Recession and the …

The Global Super-Rich Stash: Now $25 Trillion
In today’s astoundingly unequal global economy, banks can go either of two routes — or both — to bag ever bigger returns. They can squeeze the 99 percent with …

Wall Street v. Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren, special adviser to the secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, greets commuters at a rail station in Boston, September 14, 2011. (Photo: Katherine …

The True Conservative Scandal
Washington - Conservatives need to contemplate what the Rick Perry and Herman Cain stories say about the state of their movement and the health of their creed. …

Assessing Obama’s “Peace” Moves
In another step toward bringing George W. Bush’s two major wars to an end, the Obama administration is planning to transition the U.S. military role in Afghanistan to mostly …