Stories of the Disappeared: The World Court of Women Against Poverty
The World Court of Women against Poverty convened in Philadelphia in October 2013 to hear the stories of those disappeared by their socio-economic circumstances.
Chilean Students Poised for Congressional Victories
Three student activists who fought for education as a human right are poised to become members of Congress in Chile.
Astroturf Tramples Grassroots in Washington State GMO Labeling Battle
A look into the money pouring into Washington tells an anti-democratic tale of how a once-popular initiative is now statistically tied in the polls.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Keith Alexander and James Clapper Answered Questions on Government Spying, and More
Keith Alexander and James Clapper answered questions on government spying, and more.
An Oasis in a Food Desert
America's first nonprofit grocery store is bringing fresh and affordable fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy to Chester, Pa.
Activists of Color Lead Charge Against Surveillance, NSA
Communities of color were out in force and are deeply engaged in the movement to Stop Watching Us.
Food Companies and Monsanto Spend Millions to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative
Coca-Cola, Nestle and Pepsi are among the companies that have spent millions of dollars to oppose the labeling of genetically engineered groceries in Washington.
Waste Management Reaps Treasure From Your Trash and Taxes
The for-profit company Waste Management has recently been embroiled in a trashy dispute in Alabama.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Since Sandy Hook, Guns Have Killed 10,000 More People in the US, and More
It hasn't even been a year since the tragic mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. But since then almost 10,000 more people have been killed by guns in our nation, …
Historic Acquittal of Anti-Drone Witness at Fort Hancock Air Base
This acquittal marks a major breakthrough by those who have sought to strengthen international law, and stop U.S. war crimes, including extra-judicial murder by the illegal drones.