News Analysis

Resurgent Puerto Rico Independence Movement Challenges 126 Years of Colonialism
Openly promoting decolonization and a social democratic alternative, a historic coalition made record electoral gains.

Held in Isolation, Palestinian Leader Khalida Jarrar Faces Torturous Conditions
Jarrar’s husband and lawyer describe abuses endured by the political prisoner, who has been in solitary since August.

Trump Admin Could Kill Funding for Life-Saving Climate Resiliency Hubs
A federal law is helping an Atlanta church build an emergency shelter. Other communities may not get the same chance.

Report: Louisiana LNG Operators Set to Receive Over $21 Billion in Tax Breaks
If all the planned terminals in Texas and Louisiana open, they would reverse nearly a third of US emissions reductions.

Pro-Israel Group’s Ties to Officials Raises Alarm Around “Nonprofit Killer Bill”
Israel Heritage Foundation has links to supporters of policies that threaten Palestinians and civil society groups.

Trump Is Using “Unitary Executive” Theory in His Bid to Amass Supreme Power
Trump is claiming total executive power that would eclipse the legislative “co-equal” branch of government.

China’s Ties With Israel Are Hindering the Palestinian Struggle for Freedom
China is pushing a flawed peace process while deepening economic ties with Israel.

Berkeley Free Speech Movement Forged an Organizing Blueprint That’s Relevant Now
As campus repression worsens, what can today’s student organizers learn from the struggle that took place in the 1960s?

Trump’s Win Is a Boon to the Far Right in Europe and Beyond
Hard right political formations like Germany’s AfD party, which has roots in Nazi ideology, have celebrated Trump’s win.

US Response to ICC Netanyahu Warrant Could Deal Death Blow to International Law
“The Hague Invasion Act” authorizes the military to forcibly extract US and allied nationals if arrested for war crimes.