News Analysis

Corporate Propaganda Response To Town Hall Medicare Anger
The Republican plan for Medicare “cuts government spending” by shifting the cost of old-age health care directly to the middle class and poor. (I’ll explain below.) Here’s the thing: …

Why the US and NATO Fed Detainees to Afghan Torture System
An Afghan Special Forces soldier searches a mock detainee during a unit demonstration for Gen. David H. Petraeus. (Photo: Staff Sgt. Lorie Jewell / isafmedia) Washington - …

Reducing Influence Peddling in Government Contracting
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Today, the Unites States Air Force relies on a fleet of aerial refueling tankers - overwhelmingly comprised of the jet-powered, Eisenhower-era KC-135 …

Cheney Was Right About One Thing: Deficits Don’t Matter
Former Vice President Dick Cheney at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2011 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Gage Skidmore) “Deficit terrorists” are gutting governments and forcing the privatization …

Backdoor Bailouts: Banks Play Shell Game With Taxpayer Dollars
The Federal Reserve propped up banks with big infusions of cash during the depths of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. Banks that took billions of dollars from …

An Arab Spring for Women: The Missing Story From the Middle East
A woman wears a Tunisian flag during a protest outside government buildings in Tunis, Tunisia, on January 21, 2011. (Photo: Holly Pickett / The New York Times) …

Fukushima: Monitoring the Invisible
Sous chef Eric Fricker, of La Bernadin restaurant, checks fillets of red snapper for radiation, in New York, April 5, 2011. Restaurant owners are taking all precautions to be …

What Can Be Found in the WikiLeaks “Gitmo Files“
McClatchy Newspapers writes “the US military set up a human intelligence laboratory at Guantanamo,” the Washington Post details new classified military documents obtained by the “anti-secrecy organization” present “new …

The Battle Is Over Money, Not Philosophy
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2011 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Gage Skidmore) Ever since House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan put …

Enhanced Drone-Strike Accuracy Makes Accidents Look That Much More Suspicious
“When the US began drone strikes in Pakistan in 2006, drone attacks were notoriously inaccurate,” wrote retired Pakistani military officer Shaukat Qadir at Counterpunch in an article about the …