News Analysis
Ten Everyday Acts of Resistance That Changed the World
The Arab spring of 2011 has already changed the region and the world. Ordinary people have lost their fear and shattered the perception that their rulers are invincible. Whatever …
The Buying and Selling of the Pentagon (Part I)
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) For the last seven weeks, we have been running Solutions columns on how to fix the Pentagon. With the DoD budget ballooning …
Republicans’ Budget Declares War on Medicare
The Republicans are poised to unveil a model budget on Tuesday that would effectively end Medicare by privatizing it, Steve Benen reports in the Washington Monthly. House Budget Committee …
Conyers: Congress Should Bar US Ground Troops From Libya
On the road between Ajdabiya and Brega, opposition fighters take cover after they were fired on by forces suspected of being loyal to Libyan leader Col. Moammar Qaddafi on …
The Martin Luther King Legacy and the Global Economic Crisis: Can One Influence the Other?
Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964. (Photo: Library of Congress) Before he went over that mountain top in that week in April like this one back in l968, …
Waking Up to a Nuclear Nightmare
Bravo Test over Enewetak, Marshall Islands, Operation Castle, March 1, 1954. Designed specifically to generate the largest possible cloud of fallout, the Bravo test was the first detonation of …
It’s Time for Representative Ryan to Man Up
Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Gage Skidmore) Congressman Paul Ryan is the new darling of both the Republican Party …
Japan Post’s Stalled Sale a Saving Grace
When a spokeswoman for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said at a news conference on March 17 that Japan has the financial means to recover from its devastating tsunami, …
The Military’s Rape and Sexual Assault Epidemic
On February 15, 2011, fifteen female and two male military veterans filed a class action lawsuit against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and current Defense Secretary Robert Gates. …
Sky-High Oil Prices Here to Stay
(Photo: billaday / Flickr) Washington - As the Arab world continues to pitch and heave with flashes of popular uprisings here and sparks of brutal crackdowns there, …