
An Experiment in Radical Education
Demand the Impossible! is a new project aimed at helping young people get involved in radical politics.

Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza: How He Made Millions From the Rescue of Detroit
Mitt Romney made some $15 million on the auto bailout and that three of Romneyu2019s top donors made more than $4 billion for their hedge funds from the bailout.

Are Big Banks Too Big to Regulate?
If somebody understood the economic issues and explained them to the American people, you could easily be elected president by saying you're going to put an end to the …

Court Strikes Down CFTC Regulation to Limit Excessive Speculation
Legal and lobbying assault by finance sector blocks regulation of excessive speculation, will lead to higher prices for food and other commodities.

William Rivers Pitt: The Second Debate
This segment is debate discussion on the second presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney on 10-16-12 in New York.

Presidential Debate Number Two: No Serious Solutions Offered
Gerald Epstein: Romney's tough talk on China is pure campaign rhetoric and his tax math is nonsense; Obama didn't talk about poverty, climate change, financial regulation, and low wages.

Advocate: New Constitutional Amendment Needed to Protect the Right to Vote
Civil rights activist Judith Browne Dianis: Voting in the US is currently based on state and local law, but this can lead to voter disenfranchisement.

US and Israel Recognize Iran Not Near a Bomb
In spite evidence Iran directing much of its supply of 20 percent enriched uranium for scientific purposes, u201ckilleru201d sanctions continue.

Xalit Isa: “It Is Necessary to Promote a Political Solution to Help Syria“
Interview with Xalit Isa, a leader of the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change who analyses the reasons for the current impasse.

As Texas Pipeline Blockade Continues, Activists Challenge First US Tar Sands Strip Mine in Utah
As a direct action blockade of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline continues in Texas, we look at what could be the first actual tar sands and oil …