
A Chat With Counterterrorism Chief John Brennan
Worried that he might be about to call in the police, or the CIA, or maybe even a drone, I finally desisted and thanked him for his time.

Tavis Smiley, Cornel West on the 2012 Election and Why Calling Obama “Progressive” Ignores His Record
Both Tavis and Smiley single out prominent progressives whom they accuse of overlooking Obamau2019s actual record.

Critical Role in Obama’s Re-Election Heralds New Era of Decisive Latino Vote in US
Latino voters turned out in record numbers, accounting for 10 percent of the electorate, and exit polls show Obama won 71 percent of the Latino vote.

John Nichols: Overwhelming Obama Victory Not Just a Mandate for the President, but for Progressives
Journalist John Nichols argues that the 2012 election provided not just a mandate for the Obama administration and the Democrats, but for progressive policies.

Will the Supreme Court Reaffirm Affirmative Action?
Laura Flanders discusses the Fisher v. University of Texas affirmative action case with Kimberlu00e9 Crenshaw and Luke Harris.

Jeremy Scahill and Dennis Kucinich: In Obama’s 2nd Term, Will Democrats Challenge US Drones, Killings?
Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill asks Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich about the secret drone war that has expanded under President Obama's first term and the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki.

Lee Camp: Rantings of a Stark Raving Sane Man Trapped in a Corporatocracy
If you haven't viewed one of Lee Camp's political rants, you should. Camp is a cross between Lenny Bruce and Lewis Black - with a dash of George Carlin.

The Nature of the Beast: Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin on “The Making of Global Capitalism“
Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin have just released their latest book, The Making of Global Capitalism.

The Cost of War: An Interview With Hawaii Congressional Candidate and Veteran Tulsi Gabbard
The former Honolulu city councilwoman, state legislator and combat veteran shares her views on Afghanistan, Iran, drones and military spending.

Mike Ludwig Talks GMOs on American Liberal Truthout Radio
California voters go to the polls on November 6th to cast their ballots for (or against) Prop 37.