Joan Walsh Talks With Truthout About What’s the Matter With White People
Born into an Irish middle class family in New York, Joan Walsh offers a personal and analytical perspective on why so many white working class families defected from the …
How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted
Bill talks with Mike Lofgren, a long-time Republican who describes the modern dysfunction of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Help Workers Connect the Dots to This Larger System of Oppression
You could choke on the irony in Charlotte this Labor Day. The United States' faux labor holiday falls on day one of the Democratic National Convention.
John Cusack Interviews Law Professor Jonathan Turley About Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution
While many are critical of ongoing media circus produced by the Republican party, John Cusack asks the hard questions about what it would really mean to elect Obama for …
Trembling on the Verge: An Interview With China Miéville (Part Two)
In the second part of our interview with author China Miu00e9ville, he talks about why the leftu2019s mission isnu2019t to reveal truths or shake peopleu2019s illusions, and why weu2019re …
Trembling on the Verge: An Interview With China Miéville (Part One)
China Miu00e9villeu2019s fiction bursts with outlandish ideas: On almost every page readers will find ideas so potent and engrossing that other authors would make them the basis for an …
From Voice of Freedom Park, Tampa, Florida: Interview With Food Not Bombs Activist Nathan Pim
Nathan Pim of Food Not Bombs (twitter) contacted Naked Capitalism because of the convention coverage weu2019ve been doing, and I thought that Naked Capitalism readers might be interested in …
Hard Travelin’ With Henry Rollins: An Exclusive Interview
Henry Rollins says he likes to think of himself as his “own little punk rock journalist.” Henry Rollins says he likes to think of himself as his "own little …
Justice Party Presidential Candidate Rocky Anderson Speaks Candidly on the Crumbling State of the Union
A major third party movement, even if it is not successful on Election Day, can create the conditions for the changes that we're talking about to ultimately be implemented.
Romney and Ryan: Right Wing Billionaires Think It’s Time to Take the Gloves Off
John Weeks: The right wing elite think if they can make a major breakthrough, they can end the last vestiges of the welfare state.