
Blackface Is a National Problem and Virginia’s Top Officials Must Step Down
A reckoning about racism and sexual assault has left Virginia’s government in disarray.

Face Surveillance Is a Uniquely Dangerous Technology
Companies are determining whether someone has a propensity to be a terrorist by analyzing their face.

Fighting Racism With a Racist in the White House
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on how all movements can center the struggle against racism.

Kavanaugh’s Presence at SOTU Represented Failure of US Democracy
Ana María Archila made headlines when she confronted Sen. Jeff Flake over his support for Kavanaugh's nomination.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Slams Trump’s Remarks on Border, Venezuela, Israel
During his SOTU address, Trump attacked immigrants and reiterated his demand for a border wall.

Palestinian Rights Have Become an Incredibly Mainstream Issue
CounterSpin interviews Josh Ruebner on anti-BDS bills.

Trial of El Chapo Highlights Failure of War on Drugs
Christy Thornton, an assistant professor of sociology and Latin American studies, discusses more.

Both Venezuela’s Opposition and US Reject Peaceful Negotiations
An offer by Mexico and Uruguay to host talks with Maduro have been rejected by both Juan Guaidó and the US.

Here’s What a Green New Deal Looks Like in Practice
We don't have to wait for capitalism to end, we can stabilize global climate right now, says economist Robert Pollin.

Lights Are Back On at New York City Jail, But Prisoners Still Lack Heat
Brad Lander, a New York city councilmember who spoke with prisoners and prison officials this weekend, discusses more.