It’s clear that mega-business stands for one thing: profit by any means necessary – even if that means corrupting our public institutions, destroying our unions and controlling our media.
That will never happen to Truthout.
We don’t feed at the corporate-money trough with NewsCorp, ABC, CNN, CBS and the like. We don’t scream fear-inducing headlines to scare you into reading our reporting. We do our best to tell it like it is, and we stand firm for our values.
Truthout is able to bring you trustworthy information and dissenting viewpoints because we’re not funded by ads from companies who profit from exploitation and war. We’re funded by readers who care about our work and want to see it continue.
This week we need your support. The events of 2011 so far demonstrate the severity of our situation, as well as the potential we all have to fight back. If you value the work Truthout does and you want to be a part of our efforts, please donate generously – we’re counting on you to help us stay strong!
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