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Greta Thunberg’s Arrest Demonstrates Why Energy Charter Treaty Must Be Abolished

The treaty allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments for taking action to combat climate change.

Police officers detain climate activist Greta Thunberg at a demonstration against the expansion of the Garzweiler coal mine near the village of Luetzerath on January 17, 2023, in Erkelenz, Germany.

Greta Thunberg made international headlines this week when she and other climate activists were briefly detained by police at a protest against the expansion of a coal mine in Germany.

Thunberg was among the thousands of protesters who arrived to denounce the expansion of the huge Garzweiler open-cast lignite mine by German energy company RWE. The extraction of lignite (also known as brown coal, one of the dirtiest fossil fuels) requires digging 200-metre-deep ravines that can swallow entire villages — in this case, the abandoned village of Lützerath.

Last week, swarms of police moved into the village in North Rhine-Westphalia to clear the activists, some of whom have been camped there for two years.

But it’s not just the thousands of cops — or even the entire German state — that is shielding the fossil fuel industry’s wanton destruction. An obscure mechanism of international law quietly protects their interests and helps them extract more profits: the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).

Back in the 1960s, Shell (then called Royal Dutch Shell) envisioned a special kind of international protection for their investments in newly independent Indonesia. Fearing that a potentially unfriendly government might impede its profits, Shell wanted protection that went beyond the traditional national court system.

The Dutch state (always happy to act in the interests of Shell) inaugurated the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in the 1968 treaty between the Netherlands and Indonesia. ISDS allows a foreign investor to sue a country for certain decisions or actions that might negatively impact its investment in that country.

Since then, hundreds of international bilateral treaties have included ISDS mechanisms, but the system was massively expanded in the 1990s with the signing of the multilateral Energy Charter Treaty.

More than 50 countries are signed up to the ECT, which specifically protects investments in the energy sector. It is the key international agreement used most often by companies to sue states for potentially billions of dollars in compensation claims.

If investors believe government measures endanger their current — or even potential future – profits, they can demand compensation under the treaty. RWE, which is now demolishing Lutzerath in order to extract more brown coal, launched a €1.4bn claim against the Netherlands in 2021 for its ‘coal exit’ law, which would end the burning of coal for electricity in 2030. The case is currently suspended until summer awaiting the decision of the German Supreme Court, which is expected in April.

But energy corporations can extract a lot of public money even when they don’t sue. After Swedish energy company Vattenfall successfully sued Germany for its nuclear phase-out after the Fukushima disaster, the German government decided it must prevent another expensive ECT claim at all costs.

RWE used the ECT to pressure the German government during negotiations over the country’s coal exit (the phasing out of coal-fired power generation). In exchange for RWE waiving its ability to sue under the ECT, the government agreed to pay them unusually high compensation: 2.6bn euros. The deal has since been criticised by independent experts for the generous payouts and the European Commission is still investigating it for illegal state aid.

Time to Abolish the Treaty

There have been protests across Europe against this antiquated and controversial treaty. More than one million people signed a petition to end it. Several leading EU states, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, have announced they will exit this secret weapon of the fossil fuel industry. Italy has already left. However, the European Commission is doing everything it can to save the treaty.

The events surrounding the demolition of Lutzerath bring home to people in Europe — and across the world — the violent destruction and dispossession that accompanies fossil fuel extraction. Coal is a 19th-century fuel source, protected by 20th-century treaties.

If we are to have a fighting chance for a future free from catastrophic climate change, we need 21st-century solutions. Finally abolishing the Energy Charter Treaty is a good place to start.

Help us Prepare for Trump’s Day One

Trump is busy getting ready for Day One of his presidency – but so is Truthout.

Trump has made it no secret that he is planning a demolition-style attack on both specific communities and democracy as a whole, beginning on his first day in office. With over 25 executive orders and directives queued up for January 20, he’s promised to “launch the largest deportation program in American history,” roll back anti-discrimination protections for transgender students, and implement a “drill, drill, drill” approach to ramp up oil and gas extraction.

Organizations like Truthout are also being threatened by legislation like HR 9495, the “nonprofit killer bill” that would allow the Treasury Secretary to declare any nonprofit a “terrorist-supporting organization” and strip its tax-exempt status without due process. Progressive media like Truthout that has courageously focused on reporting on Israel’s genocide in Gaza are in the bill’s crosshairs.

As journalists, we have a responsibility to look at hard realities and communicate them to you. We hope that you, like us, can use this information to prepare for what’s to come.

And if you feel uncertain about what to do in the face of a second Trump administration, we invite you to be an indispensable part of Truthout’s preparations.

In addition to covering the widespread onslaught of draconian policy, we’re shoring up our resources for what might come next for progressive media: bad-faith lawsuits from far-right ghouls, legislation that seeks to strip us of our ability to receive tax-deductible donations, and further throttling of our reach on social media platforms owned by Trump’s sycophants.

We’re preparing right now for Trump’s Day One: building a brave coalition of movement media; reaching out to the activists, academics, and thinkers we trust to shine a light on the inner workings of authoritarianism; and planning to use journalism as a tool to equip movements to protect the people, lands, and principles most vulnerable to Trump’s destruction.

We urgently need your help to prepare. As you know, our December fundraiser is our most important of the year and will determine the scale of work we’ll be able to do in 2025. We’ve set two goals: to raise $125,000 in one-time donations and to add 1400 new monthly donors by midnight on December 31.

Today, we’re asking all of our readers to start a monthly donation or make a one-time donation – as a commitment to stand with us on day one of Trump’s presidency, and every day after that, as we produce journalism that combats authoritarianism, censorship, injustice, and misinformation. You’re an essential part of our future – please join the movement by making a tax-deductible donation today.

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With gratitude and resolve,

Maya, Negin, Saima, and Ziggy