Video Posts

John Pilger | Breaking Australia’s Silence: WikiLeaks and Freedom (Video)
Breaking Australia's silence: WikiLeaks and freedom from John Pilger on Vimeo. ‘Breaking Australia's silence: WikiLeaks and freedom’ was a public forum held on 16 March 2011 at the Sydney …

Interview with Holocaust Survivor and Anti-Zionist Activist Dr. Hajo Meyer (Video)
Dr. Hajo Meyer is a Holocaust survivor and anti-Zionist activist. He has been conducting a speaking tour titled “Never Again For Anyone,” sharing his experiences of surviving Auschwitz and …

Scott Walker Is Not the First to Strip Workers of Their Rights
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Dennis Kucinich Remarks in Wisconsin (Video)
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Michael Moore Speaks in Wisconsin (Video)
See Transcript of Speech: Michael Moore: “America Is NOT Broke”

AFL-CIO’s Trumka: No American Should Face Choice Between Rights, Job
Judy Woodruff talks to Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, a voluntary federation of 57 U.S. and international labor unions. Many AFL-CIO members would be affected by pending state-level …

Michael Moore: Acknowledging Working People (Video)
More GRITtv "You essentially entered into a contract with the corporate clsss—if you work hard, you will be rewarded. Now it's you work hard, the company prospers, …

Dean Baker: Budget Cuts Are the Real Job-Killers (Video)

Michael Moore: People Still Have the Power (Video)
More GRITtv “This is a movement that is not going to stop,” says filmmaker Michael Moore of the uprising in Madison, Wisconsin (and across the country—all 50 …

Michael Moore: People Still Have the Power (Video) (2)
More GRITtv “This is a movement that is not going to stop,” says filmmaker Michael Moore of the uprising in Madison, Wisconsin (and across the country—all 50 …