Video Posts
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Karl Rove to Launch a $25 Million Ad Campaign Blitz in Ten States, and More
In today's On the News segment: Karl Rove and his Crossroads SuperPAC are launching a $25 million ad campaign blitz in ten battleground states on Thursday, the American people …
The Social Consequences of Inequality
Richard Wilkinson is an epidemiologist and a leader in international research of inequality. He is also the co-author of The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger with …
Elizabeth Warren Says JPMorgan Trading Debacle Shows “We Need to Go Back to Boring Banking”
Massachusetts Democratic senate candidate Elizabeth Warren reacted to the news of JPMorganu2019s $2 billion trading debacle by calling for the banku2019s CEO, Jamie Dimon, to step down from his …
Public Art ATL: Elevate Underground Present “Harriet Rising”
On display on the Alabama Street above Underground Atlanta, is a public art installation by artists Lisa Tuttle and Alice Lovelace. It’s a three-dimensional, multifaceted grouping of polyptych towers …
As NATO Meets in Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Condemn “Militarized Arm of the 1 Percent”
Legendary Chicago activists Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers talk about this week’s protests in Chicago, where NATO will hold its largest summit to date. Thousands of protesters from a …
Crony Capitalism: After Lobbying Against New Financial Regulations, JPMorgan Loses $2 Billion in Risky Bet
JPMorgan Chase, the nation’s largest bank, is under fire after losing at least $2 billion in derivatives trading it was warned carried high risk. The loss has renewed calls …
Romney Has Public and Private Morality Upside Down
He doesnu2019t want to regulate where regulation is necessary ... yet he wants to regulate where regulation is least appropriate - at the level of the individual.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: A Lawsuit Could Put an End to the GOP’s Perpetual Senate Filibuster, and More
In today's On the News segment: Common Cause files suit against the US Senate over filibuster rules, all signs now point to a Greek default and exit from the …
Chomsky: Occupy Wall Street “Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist” in US – Solidarity
Well, the Occupy movement isu2014it was a big surprise. You know, if anybody asked me a year ago,
A New Economic Paradigm: An Interview With Gar Alperovitz
If you look deeply, there are lots of elements that begin to form a mosaic, I think, potentially suggesting the direction of an America beyond capitalism and also beyond …