Video Posts
The Fed Targets Unemployment With More Money for Banks
Robert Pollin: The Fed breaks ground with unemployment target but pushing more money into banks without requiring more lending won't solve the problem.
Julian Assange Christmas Address From Ecuador Embassy in London
Congress Delays Aid Bill as Sandy Victims Suffer
Joel Kuperfman: Increased funding and accountability needed for government's response to Superstorm Sandy.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Stakes of So-Called “Fiscal Cliff” Just Got Higher, and More
ecretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner announced on Wednesday that the United States will hit its borrowing limit on December 31st.
FBI on Wrong Side of History
Sam Sacks speaks with Truthout's Lead Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold about the FBI's approach to the Occupy movement.
“Blood on Your Hands”: CODEPINK Interrupts NRA’s Wayne LaPierre as He Calls for Guns in US Schools
“NRA Killing Our Kids” - that was the message of CODEPINK activists as they interrupted the first public address by National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre since the Sandy …
Dean Spade: The Most Imprisoning Nation in the World
Dean Spade explains how the US became the most imprisoning nation in the world.
Dr. Gabor Mate on the Stress-Disease Connection, Addiction and the Destruction of American Childhood
Mate argues too many doctors seem to have forgotten what was once a commonplace assumption, that emotions are deeply implicated in both the development of illness, addictions and disorders, …
Economists’ Statement on Health Care
We are economists who think that the economy should serve people, the planet and the future.
Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties
While US drone warfare is a tragedy for all, given recent events in Connecticut the reality that 178 children have been killed in drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen …