Video Posts
State of the Union: Do Policy Proposals Live Up to Rhetoric on Wages and Climate Change?
Gerald Epstein: Language on wages and climate change could help shift the debate, but policy proposals tied to interests of finance and private sector.
Will Obama Plan Create a “Rising, Thriving Middle Class”?
Leo Panitch and Jennifer Taub: President Obama's SOTU shows he is far more wedded to private sector, free market solutions than restoring the bargain with the middle class.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Leon Panetta Gives Clear Directive for Successor to End Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples in the Military, and More
Leon Panetta, just gave a clear directive to his successor u2013 stop the discrimination against same-sex couples in the military.
Michael Moore, Chris Hedges on Challenging NDAA Indefinite Detention and the “Corporate Coup d’État”
A group of reporters, scholars and activists are suing the Obama administration over the controversial provision in the National Defense Authorization Act.
Will Obama Use International Economic Appointments to Push Stimulus?
Gerald Epstein: Obama can't use GOP Control of House as excuse for more Wall St. friendly appointments.
Noam Chomsky “Public Education and The Common Good”
Noam Chomsky gives to us an eloquent perspective on the public education system.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Arkansas Law Signals Revival of Debtors’ Prisons in US, and More
In today's On the News segment: Vermont leads the fight to protect unions, and more.
Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of US Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing
The Nation's national security correspondent said senators' lack of follow-up to Brennan's non-answers at the hearing amounted to ‘total kabuki oversight.’
Judge Rules Against Bank – Precedent Could Cost Bank of America Billions
Judge rules that Flagstar, a big mortgage lender that gave ‘liars loans,’ is liable to insurance company. The same issues are at stake in Bank of America case.
Britain’s Anti-War Movement Looks Back on Over a Decade of War
Ten years after the largest protest in British history in February 2003, activists examine Britain's legacy in Iraq and the era of continuous warfare.