Video Posts

Truthout TV With David Bacon on E-Verify and Sexual Harassment
David Bacon discusses his recent article and changes in immigration news on Truthout TV.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 131 Republicans and 60 Corporations Submitted Friend-of-the-Court Briefs in Favor of Gay Marriage to the Supreme Court This Week, and More
In today's On the News segment: This week, 131 prominent Republicans and 60 major corporations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs in favor of gay marriage to the Supreme Court; Arkansas lawmakers …

Fascism in the Church: Ex-Priest on “The Pope’s War,” Clergy Abuse and Quelling Liberation Theology
As Pope Benedict XVI steps down, we turn to a former Catholic priest who was silenced and expelled by the pope, then-Cardinal Ratzinger, in the 1980s.

Bradley Manning Tells Court the Public Has the Right to Know About US War Crimes
American Attorney for Julian Assange, Michael Ratner, reports he was in the courtroom and witnessed Manning speak with confidence and intelligence as he detailed the outrages that drove him …

A Racial Entitlement? Supreme Court Threatens Voting Rights Act, One of Civil Rights Era’s Key Gains
While the Supreme Court's four liberal justices appeared willing to back the Voting Rights Act, conservative justices were much more critical.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Justice Antonin Scalia Describes Key Provision in Voting Rights Act as a “Perpetuation of Racial Entitlement,” and More
During oral arguments about Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, Justice Antonin Scalia described the key provision as a “perpetuation of racial entitlement.”

Is “Supercop” William Bratton the Answer to Oakland’s Police Problem?
Oakland recently hired famed police chief William Bratton as a consultant in an effort to find a solution to its ongoing problems with its Police Department

Saru Jayaraman on Justice for Restaurant Workers
Activist Saru Jayaraman marches with restaurant workers struggling to make ends meet, and talks about how we can best support their right to a fair wage.

Behind the Brands: On Food Justice, Oxfam Gives Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Nestlé & Pepsi Failing Grades
Oxfam has released a comprehensive report that measures how the worldu2019s 10 largest food companies perform on food justice issues.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Chicago Voters Said “No” to the NRA in a Special Primary Election Yesterday, and More
Truthout needs your support to produce grassroots journalism and disseminate conscientious visions for a brighter future. Contribute now by clicking here. In today's On the News segment: Chicago voters …