Video Posts
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans in North Carolina Say State Can Ignore the US Constitution, and More
Republicans in North Carolina say their state can ignore the U.S. Constitution.
New Era of Nuclear-Armed North Korea Forces US to Reconsider War Games at Regime’s Door
As North Korea threatens to launch a nuclear attack on the United States, the Obama administration is quietly expressing concern its own recent actions may have been too provocative.
Subsidized Corn Destroying Global Bio-Diversity
James Boyce: Industrial agriculture threatening existence of small farmers growing corn in Mexico and Guatemala; potatoes in Peru and the Andes; rice in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia - farmers …
Economist Richard Wolff Answers Questions
Bill Moyers invites Economist Richard Wolff back to their studios for a live chat with viewers.
Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis on Fighting School Closures
Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union discusses the effect of school closings in Chicago.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Lawmakers in Tennessee Want to Revise Our Election Process, and More
In today's On the News segment: The Tennessee General Assembly is trying to give themselves the power to select which candidates appear on the ballot for US Senator; recipients …
The Monsanto Protection Act? A Debate on Controversial New Measure Over Genetically Modified Crops
President Obama outraged food activists last week when he signed into law a spending bill with a controversial rider that critics have dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act.”
Stagnant Wages and Speculation Triggered the Crisis
There's another line of thought about the cause of the economic crisis, which is: the underlying issue is that in fact it's a crisis of inequality.
Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America, From Monsanto to Wal-Mart
The new book, “Foodopoly”, details how a handful of large corporations control the nation's food production in ways that limit how small farms operate and how ordinary people make …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Gun-Lobby Squares Off Against Stricter Gun Controls, and More
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The gun-lobby has been squaring off against advocates for stricter gun control; Stockton, California is broke; Euro zone broke another unemployment record; and …