Video Posts

240,000 Turkish Workers Join As Mass Protests Reach More Than 67 Cities
Confederation of unions, stage two day strike in solidarity with protestors, against police brutality and for a more democratic Turkey

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Judge Rules Google Must Honor FBI’s National Security Letters, and More
In today's On the News segments: Wisconsin Republicans want to peek into your bank account when you're out of work, and more.

Bradley Manning Supporters Say Exposing Criminals Is Not a Crime
Outside Ft. Meade where Bradley Manning's trial will take place, hundreds rallied to say that Obama Admin. attacks on whistle-blowers is an attack on democracy

End Deportations Now Demanded by Rallies Nationwide
Mobilization across the country demands Obama administration stop deportations and pass genuine immigration reform.

As FBI Seeks Capture of Assata Shakur, NAACP Head Calls for US Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Earlier this month, former Black Panther Assata Shakur was added to the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list, becoming the first woman ever to make the list.

Truthout TV Interviews Marjorie Cohn About Obama’s Counterterrorism Policy
Ted Asregadoo discusses President Obama's May 23, 2013 speech on counter-terrorism with law professor and Truthout writer, Marjorie Cohn.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Unions Are Pressing the Obama Administration to Take a Stand Against the Slave Labor Conditions in Bangladesh, and More
In today's On the News segment: Unions are pressing the Obama administration to take a stand against the slave labor conditions in Bangladesh; Sen. Bernie Sanders said he's not …

Government Seeks Life for Manning; Hammond Could Face Ten Years
Michael Ratner: The government uses a sledge hammer to go after ‘truth tellers’ Bradley Manning, Jeremy Hammond and Julian Assange

Why Is the German Left Unconditionally Supporting Israel?
Hermann Dierkes was personally attacked and called an anti-Semite, because he dared express solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle.

Actual US Poverty Twice Official Figure
According to official figures 15 percent of Americans live in poverty, real numbers are over 33 percent of Americans cannot meet basic needs.