War & Peace A Year of Forever War in Review The United States remains entrenched in a set of military interventions across significant parts of the world. By Danny Sjursen , TomDispatch December 26, 2018 Truthout
News | War & Peace Outrage as US-Saudi Coalition Undermines UN Resolution Endorsing Yemen Ceasefire The ceasefire could quickly collapse if a Security Council resolution endorsing the agreement is not adopted soon. By Jake Johnson , CommonDreams December 21, 2018 Truthout
News | War & Peace The US Announces Plans to Withdraw Ground Troops From Syria Antiwar groups applaud the news, but are calling for the US to also take action on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. By Jon Queally , CommonDreams December 20, 2018 Truthout
News | War & Peace A Canadian Yemeni’s Struggle to Shed Light on the War on Yemen Will Canada listen and be willing to give up its $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia? By Zainab Rights , Truthout December 19, 2018 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace How Bombs Built by Raytheon in Tucson Killed 31 Civilians in Yemen Journalist Jeffrey Stern discusses the bombings carried out by US-backed Saudi warplanes. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 17, 2018 Truthout
News | War & Peace Senate Votes to End US Role in Yemen War In a resounding rebuke to Trump, the Senate voted 56-41 to end US support of the Saudi war. By Mike Ludwig , Truthout December 13, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | War & Peace Public Pressure Could Halt US Support of Yemen War Current resolutions have a loophole that could actually authorize US military support, but pressure could change that. By Marjorie Cohn , Truthout December 10, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | War & Peace Yemenis Seek Asylum on Island That Resists US Militarization “The Hope School” on South Korea's Jeju Island aims to build community between residents and newly arrived Yemenis. By Kathy Kelly , VoicesforCreativeNonviolence December 6, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | War & Peace The Long, Brutal US War on Children in the Middle East The last three years of that war have caused the deaths of an estimated 85,000 Yemeni children under age 5. By Kathy Kelly , VoicesforCreativeNonviolence December 4, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | War & Peace After 17 Years of War, Afghanistan Is All But Forgotten The Forever Wars must be ended. By William Rivers Pitt , Truthout December 1, 2018 Truthout