War Crimes

Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran. Congress Must Stop Him.
We must pressure our congressional representatives to put an end to Trump’s illegal war-making.

Palestinians Decry ICC Prosecutor’s Delay of Israeli War Crimes Investigation
Accountability for Israeli war crimes is long overdue.

Why We Persist: Activists Have Protested US Drone Base for Over a Decade
If no one speaks out, the Pentagon will keep operating as if it has a popular mandate to keep up the killing.

A BDS Campaign Tackles the Sports Industry in Portland — and Wins
The Portland Trail Blazers ended a corporate partnership thanks to grassroots pressure to support Palestinian rights.

Biden’s Support of Iraq War Shows How He Would Run the White House
Biden's vote to invade Iraq was no “mistake,” but an indication of his contempt for international law.

With Turkey’s Invasion, Trump Helped Create Humanitarian Catastrophe
Democrats must not push the false narrative that the U.S. must keep troops in the Middle East for humanitarian purposes.

As Trump Aids and Abets Turkey’s War Crimes, the UN Must Act
It is essential that the UN act immediately to stop the carnage and allow humanitarian relief into the war-torn region.

Why Isn’t Congress Impeaching Trump for War Crimes?
Why is coercing a foreign government with U.S. aid seen as more egregious than a foreign policy drenched in blood?

Yemen Was Called the Forgotten War, but Activists Are Refusing to Forget
“It has been promising to see so many activists and people starting to wake up,” says Hassan El-Tayyab.

Trump-Backed Saudi Coalition Kills Over 100 in Bombing of Yemeni Prison
“We must now stand up to Trump and defund all U.S. involvement in these horrors,” Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted.