War Crimes

In Yemen, Trump Is Taking Tolerance for War Crimes to a New Level
Those of us who oppose the war in Yemen must dig in for a serious fight.

Why Is the Trump Administration Threatening the International Criminal Court?
CounterSpin interviews Jamil Dakwar on the International Criminal Court.

John Bolton Escalates Blackmail to Shield US War Criminals
Those who committed torture in Afghanistan or killed civilians in Gaza would not be held accountable for war crimes.

Bolton Threatens International Criminal Court Over Probes Into US War Crimes
Human rights advocates decried the Trump administration's efforts to skirt accountability.

Bombing of Yemen Civilians by US-Backed Coalition Likely Amounts to War Crimes
New report urges the international community to “refrain from providing arms that could be used in the conflict.”

US Leaders Aid and Abet War Crimes in Yemen
The Lockheed Martin bomb that killed 40 children in Yemen was sold as part of a US-Saudi arms deal.

US-Made Bomb Hit School Bus in Attack That Killed 40 Yemeni Children
Munitions experts confirmed that a Lockheed Martin-produced bomb was behind the deaths of dozens in last week's attack.

While US Refuses to Blame Israel, International Court Could Launch War Crimes Probe Into Gaza Killings
Israeli's massacre of Palestinians Monday has sparked widespread international condemnation.

In Wake of Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes
It was a premeditated, hence illegal, use of deadly force.

Trump’s Nuclear Threat Warrants Removal From Office
Impeachment is a political, not a legal, process.