War Crimes

US Military and CIA Leaders May Be Investigated for War Crimes
The international court is putting the US on notice.

Mattis and Tillerson Aren’t Mitigating Trump — They’re on a Path of Destruction
War crimes and ineptitude mar defense and state departments.

After MOAB, More Afghans Unite to Resist US War and Occupation
Afghans are demanding that the US end the terrorism it's waging on their country in the name of the war on terror.

Donald Trump’s War Crimes
The Trump administration's war crimes include the indiscriminate bombings of schools, hospitals, homes and mosques.

The Injustices of Chelsea Manning’s Ordeal
Chelsea Manning fulfilled her legal duty to report war crimes.

Did Trump’s Defense Secretary Nominee James Mattis Commit War Crimes in Iraq?
President-elect Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary, James “Mad Dog” Mattis, faces his Senate confirmation hearing.

Dahr Jamail | James Mattis Is a War Criminal: I Experienced His Attack on Fallujah Firsthand
The selection of an unprosecuted war criminal for secretary of defense is an affront to the rule of international law.

Fifteen Years After 9/11, Perpetual “War on Terror” Continues Unabated
Thirteen years after the illegal wars were started, the Bush war criminals have still not been brought to justice.

Iraqi Woman Uses Chilcot Report in War Crimes Lawsuit Against George W. Bush
The Chilcot Report leaves little doubt that Team Bush-Cheney committed an illegal crime of aggression against Iraq.

Bob Kerrey’s Unit Slaughtered Civilians in Vietnam; Why Was He Appointed to Chair Fulbright University?
Former Sen. Bob Kerrey, whose SEAL unit murdered innocent women and children in Thanh Phong, has a new job in Vietnam.