War Crimes

Assange Faces Extradition for Exposing US War Crimes
Trump's push to extradite WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is a blunt effort to criminalize journalism.

Trump Is Trying to Hide US and Israeli War Crimes by Attacking the ICC
Trump aims to ensure that no American or Israeli is brought to the ICC for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Team Trump Tried to Bully the ICC Into Dropping War Crimes Probe But Failed
The impunity that U.S. officials have enjoyed for their international crimes may finally be coming to an end.

Trump Could Have Been Impeached for War Crimes, Assassinations and Corruption
Truthout contributing writer Marjorie Cohn discusses the Trump impeachment.

Trump Has Embraced War Crimes as a Re-Election Strategy
Trump is using a war criminal to rally his base around the crudest notions of nationalism and power.

Conway Says Trump Didn’t Threaten Iranian Cultural Sites — But He Did
Trump threatened to attack Iranian cultural sites if Iran retaliated for the assassination of Qassim Suleimani.

Trump Threatens War Crimes Against Iran. Congress Must Stop Him.
We must pressure our congressional representatives to put an end to Trump’s illegal war-making.

Palestinians Decry ICC Prosecutor’s Delay of Israeli War Crimes Investigation
Accountability for Israeli war crimes is long overdue.

Why We Persist: Activists Have Protested US Drone Base for Over a Decade
If no one speaks out, the Pentagon will keep operating as if it has a popular mandate to keep up the killing.

A BDS Campaign Tackles the Sports Industry in Portland — and Wins
The Portland Trail Blazers ended a corporate partnership thanks to grassroots pressure to support Palestinian rights.