How to Beat Retaliation, Even Without a Union
When you're working without a union, it can feel impossible to take on workplace problems.
Worker Protests in Ciudad Juárez Shine Light on Workers’ Rights Violations
Workers took action to improve conditions in the low-wage maquiladora sector.
SCOTUS v. Public Sector Unions and Sanders v. All GOP Opponents
New polls reveal Sanders far outpacing Clinton against all potential Republicans, and public sector unions take a beating.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Half of all Americans Are Living in or Close to Poverty, and More
Half of all Americans have no savings at all, and nearly three out of four people who have saved have less than $1,000 on hand.
As Public Funding of Universities Dwindles, Faculty Are Unionizing
Non-tenure-track university faculty are joining unions to challenge pro-business educational priorities.
IKEA’s Double Standard on Workers’ Rights
If IKEA is really committed to the right of workers to unionize, why did the company recently hire union-busting lawyers?
Reclaiming Labor History: How Domestic Workers Resisted Racism in the ’60s and ’70s
Premilla Nadasen discusses how Black women domestic workers organized for better pay and conditions in the 1960s and 1970s.
Teachers’ Resistance in Oaxaca Offers Lessons for US Activism
The mass mobilizations organized by the teachers' unions in Oaxaca, Mexico, could serve as a model for activism in the US.
As TPP Deal Inked, Guatemala Labor Case Unmasks Free Trade’s Empty Promises
As with all the previous trade deals, the president is making lofty claims about this one.
Bankruptcy Lawyers Strip Cash From Coal Miners’ Health Insurance
Secure health insurance has been one casualty of the wave of bankruptcies.