
Is Filming a Police Officer a “Domestic Threat”? Austin Activist on Trial for Videotaping an Arrest
A jury in Austin, Texas, is set to issue its decision today in a case that centers on a person's right to film police officers.

The Uncertainty of Access: Reproductive Health in the Rio Grande Valley
As goes reproductive health-care access in Texas, so may go the nation.

Don’t Let Them Silence You: Vote, Dammit
Engage, and start the conversation of democracy where you live - in your apartment complex, on your block, in your neighborhood.

The Fight – and the Right – to Vote
The Lone Star state's voter ID law is part of a nationwide effort to suppress the vote.

Dark Day for Democracy: SCOTUS Allows Racially-Motivated Disenfranchisement of Texas Voters
Despite uncontested findings of purposeful discrimination in the GOP law, strict new Photo ID restrictions allowed to take effect.

A Little Shout of Joy: Supreme Court Lets Abortion Clinics Reopen, Easing Crisis of Access in Texas
Texas abortion clinics shuttered by a recent court ruling have been allowed to reopen after the US Supreme Court blocked part of an anti-choice law.

San Antonio’s Esperanza Peace and Justice Center Campaigns Against Fracking and Militarization
The Esperanza Peace and Justice Center is going on its 28th year as a community gathering space in San Antonio, Texas.

Migrant Women, Children Allege Harsh Conditions, Sexual Assault at For-Profit Texas Immigration Jail
A new family detention center just south of San Antonio holds more than 500 immigrant women and their children as they await deportation.

Bad Policy, Bad Medicine: Anti-Choice Law Leaves Vast Swaths of Texas With No Abortion Provider
San Antonio is now the last outpost for legal abortion in southern Texas.

A Crisis Turned Catastrophe in Texas
The Texan legislature created a crisis of women's health care with House Bill 2, and the latest decision from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will bring Texan women …