Who’s Your Highest-Paid State Employee?
The highest paid state employee in four out of five states is...a sports coach.
“The Other IRS Scandal”: David Cay Johnston on Dark Money Political Groups Seeking Tax Exemption
While the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups has made headlines for days, far less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.
Taxing Corporate Profits Will Force Investment
Heiner Flassbeck: Corporations are sitting on mountains of cash and are unwilling to invest in the real economy - only high taxes on profit will make them do so.
Ambiguity in Tax Rules and Disintegration of Election Law May Have Led to IRS Tea Party Mess
This is not the first time the IRS has been accused of politically-motivated enforcement, and Congressional hearings on the issue are justified.
Who’s Murdering Small Business in America?
The decline in college graduates becoming entrepreneurs and small business owners is partially to blame for the meteoric demise of small businesses in America today.
Apple Dodges Enough Taxes to Cover Much of the Sequester
This week, Apple financed a $55 billion stock buyback for its shareholders to avoid paying $9.2 billion in taxes.
Joe Stiglitz Blasts Our Wealthy-Coddling Tax System for Increasing the Returns on Rent-Seeking
Yes Smith deconstructs Joseph Stiglitz's argument for why the American people should lighten taxes for the wealthy.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Congress Repeals the STOCK Act, and More
As many Americans were occupied putting the final touches on their taxes, Congress repealed the legislation that required our leaders to disclose information about their stock trades online.
Video Game and Tax Day Actions Target Corporate “Tax Evaders”
Nicole Tichon and Gan Golan: By projecting a Tax Evader video game on the side of banks and big corporate buildings, actions aim to focus public attention on banks …
Full Transparency Needed to Close Down Tax Havens and Massive Fraud
Global finance expert James Henry: Global tax revenue lost to tax havens is between USD 190 billion and 255 billion dollars per year, assuming a 3 percent capital gains …