Billionaires Win and We Lose at Pandemic Super Bowl 2021
Even in a pandemic, 64 billionaires have seen incredible gains from the major league sports teams they own.
Warren Says Her First Move on Finance Committee Will Be a Wealth Tax
After landing a spot on the Finance Committee, Warren said, “It is time to make the ultra-rich pay their fair share.”
Ilhan Omar Pushes Tax on All Stock Trades Amid GameStop Controversy
Taxing every trade made on Wall Street could produce more than $1 trillion in federal revenues.
Activists Say Wealthy Universities’ Property Tax Exemptions Hurt Public Schools
The University of Pennsylvania is exempt from property taxes, which Philly's public school system relies on.
Dems Demand Increase in IRS Funding to Pursue Rich Tax Shirkers — Like Trump
An upcoming appropriations bill will ensure that the wealthy are no longer able to shirk their responsibilities.
Under Biden, We’ll Still Need to Protect Social Security
While Biden’s Social Security proposals are encouraging, his potential centrist cabinet picks are cause for concern.
Nearly 1,000 Homeless People Died in LA in 2020 as 93,000 Homes Sit Vacant
Vacant homes and mass homelessness show that the market is the problem, not the solution, to the housing crisis.
New Sanders Bill Would Tax “Obscene” Pandemic Windfall of Billionaires
The tax would help fund the U.S. recovery from the pandemic and resulting economic collapse.
Sanders: “Richest 1 Percent Is Responsible for 70 Percent of All Unpaid Taxes”
An estimated $381 billion per year revenue shortfall follows a sharp decline in enforcement against tax evasion.
Trump Against Additional COVID-19 Relief, Backs Cuts to Social Security Instead
Trump has expressed interest in slashing payroll taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare.