
From the Philippines to the NSA: 111 Years of the US Surveillance State
The National Security apparatus that seemed to have lost much of its purpose with the fall of the Soviet Union got a new lease on life.

With the NSA Leaks, Character, Actions, and Intentions Matter
Edward Snowden's leaks of top-secret NSA documents has unleashed a wave of very strong feelings of anger and betrayal – of the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable and unwarranted …

The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs: Close Encounters of the Lower-Tech Kind
Todd Gitlin analyzes the future of surveillance in this country and its affect on American citizens.

George Monbiot | How Can We Invest Our Trust in a Government That Spies on Us?
We should not fear some Orwellian future state where we're subjected to total electronic scrutiny - it's our present reality.

Confronting the Growing National (In)Security State
The state has created a self-fulfilling prophecy of growing insecurity that fuels demand for more security.

Terror vs. Surveillance: Keeping Americans Safe in Two Simple Steps
Robert Jensen: More than a decade after 9-11, US political culture is still asking the wrong question.

Are They Allowed to Do That? A Breakdown of Selected Government Surveillance Programs
An examination of the legal and practical steps the government may have taken to secretly collect data.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: FBI Admits to Using Surveillance Drones on US Soil, and More
The FBI has just admitted to using surveillance drones to spy on Americans on US soil.

Obama’s One-Way Mirror
The Bradley Manning trial provides a perfect example of the one-way mirror we're on the wrong side of:

As Public Concerns Grow, Congress Spooked Over Spying
The American people are growing increasingly concerned about reports of domestic spying, and Congress isn't sure how to respond.