
And Then There Was One: Delusional Thinking in the Age of the Single Superpower
Only in Hollywood fantasies about evil super-enemies was u201cworld dominationu201d by a single power imaginable. No wonder that, more than two decades into our one-superpower present, we still …

Exclusive Glenn Greenwald Interview: “I Won’t Be Kept Out of My Country for Doing Journalism!“
“I absolutely intend that I will come back to my country when I choose,” Glenn Greenwald tells Truthout.

From Spying on “Terrorists Abroad” to Suppressing Domestic Dissent: When We Become the Hunted
Truthout speaks with Heidi Boghosian, executive director of the National Lawyers Guild, about the ever-expanding government/corporate surveillance state.

Feinstein Defends Congress’ Intelligence Oversight Amid New Revelations
Feinstein claims that the infomation revealed in the Post was old news to her NSA cohorts and contends that the NSA did not deliberately break any laws.

USA vs. NSA: Legislative Efforts to Curtail Spying
Members of Congress have proposed a litany of bills to put an end to domestic spying.

Holder Backpedals on Mandatory Minimums Amid Intelligence Laundering Controversy
Holder's track record is reason to stay skeptical.

Senate Insider Speaks Out: Ex-Wyden Staffer on Secret Laws, Domestic Spying and Obama’s NSA Reforms
We speak to Jennifer Hoelzer, the former deputy chief of staff for Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, a longtime critic of the Obama administration for using a secret interpretation of …

Judge Rules NYPD’s “Stop and Frisk” Unconstitutional, Orders Federal Oversight
Judge finds New York Police Department violates the rights of New Yorkers, as mayor Michael Bloomberg vows to fight ruling

Five More Frightening Details About the NSA
As more details emerge about the reach of the NSA's power, citizens have more reasons to oppose the program.

“Up to No Good”: The Racial Profiling of Trayvon Martin and Abdulrahman Awlaki
Racial profiling is the same whether the victim is located in a neighborhood in Sanford, Florida, or an open air cafe in Yemen.