
Can a VPN Protect You From PRISM?
Following Edward Snowden's PRISM revelations, the issue of online privacy has been thrust into the spotlight like never before.

Brazil’s Cancellation of State Visit Marks Another Low Point in US-Latin American Relations
The Brazilian president's cancelled visit, over NSA spying, ought to jolt the US out of its arrogant disrespect for Latin America.

NSA: An “Obsessional” Technocracy?
Fifty years ago Erich Fromm warned of an unchallenged dogma of technocracy: u201csomething ought to be done because it is technically possible to do it.u201d

Chris Hedges | The Origins of Our Police State
Our failure to protect lower income citizens and people of color will recreate their fate for the larger masses underneath the growing police state.

Snowden Documents Reveal NSA Gave Israeli Spies Raw Emails, Texts, Calls of Innocent Americans
Despite assurances from President Obama, the scandal around the National Security Agency continues to grow.

Gems Mined From the Released NSA Documents and FISA Court Opinions
We're still reviewing the documents, but here are a few particularly interesting items we've uncovered so far.

The New Global Capitalism and the War on Immigrants
The larger story behind immigration reform is the worldwide reorganization of the system for supplying labor to the global economy.

When the Police Become a Standing Army, Liberty is Sacrificed Without Security
A shift to militaristic and arguably unconstitutional policing would have shocked the conscience of America's founders, according to Radley Balko in his book

Seattle Environmental Activists Under FBI Surveillance
Journalist Mark Taylor-Canfield talks with Mike Malloy about the surveillance of Seattle environmental activists by the FBI.

Our Democracy?
Our democracy? Really? Is the U.S. system a democracy, and if so, does it belong to us?