Supreme Court

Tantrums Unleashed After Rainbows Illuminate White House
The Supreme Court's affirmation of the right to marry and its rainbow striped afterglow unleashed conservative tantrums.

Delivering on Housing Vouchers’ Potential to Give Families Real Choice
A quarter of a million children in voucher households live in high-poverty neighborhoods, despite the better options that a voucher should give them.

SCOTUS Steps in to Prevent Further Texas Abortion Clinic Closures
A ruling would have shuttered all but nine abortion clinics.

Four Supreme Court Decisions You Need to Know About
What other big issues did the court weigh in on?

Supreme Court Ruling on Housing May Strengthen Broader Anti-Discrimination Efforts
I was excited about some of the Supreme Court decisions this term and deeply disturbed about others.

Justice Alito Defends Lethal Injection Expert Who Did His Research on
The expert ended up prompting a back-and-forth between Supreme Court justices, who narrowly upheld use of a lethal injection drug.

William Rivers Pitt | Arizona, the Supreme Court and the End of Gerrymandering
The Supreme Court's recent redistricting ruling may be the most consequential ruling of all, and that is saying something.

After Marriage Equality and Obamacare, Mixed Results From SCOTUS on Abortion, Pollution, Executions
We examine the decisions and look at pending rulings on affirmative action and union dues.

Ruling Against “Three Strikes” Sentencing Law Opens Door to Reform
The recent decision reinforces the need to address other sentencing policies that have contributed to mass incarceration.

Supreme Court Tosses EPA Rules That Would Prevent Thousands of Asthma Cases
EPA rules limiting toxic air pollution emissions would have prevented thousands of cases of asthma, birth defects and other health problems.