Supreme Court
Supreme Court’s Latest Race Case: Housing Discrimination
Many fear the case could gut the landmark Fair Housing Act.
Supreme Court Upholds Auto Stop With No Traffic Violation
It's just the latest Supreme Court decision to effectively enlarge police powers and restrict Fourth Amendment protections.
Scalia Is Dead Wrong on Torture
Torture is about as immoral and unconstitutional as it gets, but that's not how Antonin Scalia sees it.
Pregnancy Discrimination Case Reaches Supreme Court
Here's some preparatory reading for the latest gender rights fight.
Should We Impeach Chief Justice John Roberts?
Barack Obama can win this fight by not giving in to the Supreme Court, even if he temporarily loses there.
Time to Say Goodbye to Judicial Overreach
The Supreme Court has turned the US from a republic into a Constitutional monarchy.
TV Ad Spending Reaches Nearly $14 Million in 2014 State Supreme Court Races
Outcry against efforts to politicize courts.
The Uncertainty of Access: Reproductive Health in the Rio Grande Valley
As goes reproductive health-care access in Texas, so may go the nation.
“Suffered or Permitted to Work” – When Is a Worker an Employee?
Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk reveals the ugly side of business today.
Dark Day for Democracy: SCOTUS Allows Racially-Motivated Disenfranchisement of Texas Voters
Despite uncontested findings of purposeful discrimination in the GOP law, strict new Photo ID restrictions allowed to take effect.