Supreme Court

Will Supremes Apply Cell Phone Privacy to Metadata Collection?
If the court is consistent in its analysis, it will determine that the collection by the government of all of our electronic records implicates the same privacy concerns as …

Narrow Supreme Court Majority Gives Corporations Freedom of Conscience; Justice Ginsburg Objects
The conservative majority on the Supreme Court once again expanded its doctrine of corporate personhood with its ruling on Monday in the Hobby Lobby case.

SCOTUS Reinterprets Religious Liberty to Justify Corporate Discrimination
Patricia Miller and Tarso Luis Ramos say the decision reinterprets religious liberty in order to justify discriminatory practices of corporations, and privileges religious freedom of corporations over individuals.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Supreme Court Eliminates President’s Power to Make Recess Appointments, and More
The Supreme Court virtually eliminated the President's power to make recess appointments, and more.

Supreme Court Backs Hobby Lobby – and Corporate Personhood
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the government may not require certain businesses to provide their employees with health insurance that covers contraception which offends the owner's religious beliefs.

The Supreme Court Thinks Corporations Are People but Women Aren’t
The furor about the birth control mandate and the Hobby Lobby case was always about the fact that the issue at stake was a woman's right to control her …

Both Sides React Passionately to Supreme Court’s Unanimous Buffer Zone Ruling
The Supreme Court's decision to strike down Massachusetts' 35 foot buffer zone in front of abortion clinics sadly wasn't much of a surprise Thursday morning. What was surprising, however, …

“Open Season on Reproductive Health Care Clinics”: A Clinic Escort Responds to McCullen Ruling
“Terrorizing those seeking legal medical procedures is now an important First Amendment expression of ‘free speech,’ according to the Supreme Court Justices.”

SCOTUS Ruling Limits EPA Regulatory Power
A Supreme Court ruling affecting the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory power came down on Monday. It will limit their right to require permits from stationary polluters like power plants …

Unregulated, Outside Spending by Koch-Related Group Plagues Local Elections, Public Citizen Report Finds
Unregulated, undisclosed spending made possible by the US Supreme Courtu2019s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has left local communities defenseless against big money national organizations …