
Congress Just Voted to Let Internet Providers Harvest Your Personal Data Without Permission
It's time to push back against Republicans who betray consumers, advocates say.

Why I Got Arrested at David Friedman’s Confirmation Hearing
Trump's pick for US ambassador to Israel would seek to permanently deny Palestinians the right to self-governance.

For Jeff Sessions, DC Stands for “Dodge City“
Trump has enough many conflicts of interest. Jeff Sessions, if confirmed as Attorney General, will have to deal with them.

Thirteen Democrats Join GOP to Kill Sanders Resolution on Canadian Drug Imports
The move was a blow for those seeking to ensure access to health care.

McConnell Won’t Say if Tillerson Can Be Confirmed as Secretary of State
Tea leaves in the Senate suggest it could be an uphill battle to get Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson confirmed.

Playing Defense: How Progressives Could Push Democrats to Block the Trump Agenda
Progressives now have more power within the Democratic Party, which activists must push to be more militant.

Money Trumps Expectations: Investment Politics in 2016
Opening the books on election funding reveals the role of organized money and media airtime is stronger than ever.

The Senate Can and Should Demand Transparency Into Trump Family Finances
Senators need to know how to provide oversight of the executive branch.

The Real Trump Effect: Down-Ballot Disaster for Democrats
Democrats sustained losses at every level of government. Even so, some state-level victories shine through.

Down-Ballot Republicans Jump at Chance to Emulate Trump
Trump is much more a true expression of the GOP than an aberration from it.