Right-Wing Calls for Muslim “Internment Camps” Intensify in the US, UK and Germany
Encouraged by Trump's Muslim ban, Holocaust deniers in Germany are calling for a “Warsaw Ghetto” plan for refugees.
The Fate of the Children Who Survived the Calais Refugee Camp
A study of the experiences of children from the Calais “jungle” shows why we must speak up for refugees during the election campaign.
The Immigration and Refugee Human Revenue Stream
Until we demand change, then the suffering of human beings will continue to be commodified.
Anti-Terror Rules Are Blocking Aid to Conflict Zones
Famines loom in countries like war-torn Yemen and Somalia, Syria, Iraq and aid workers can't reach everyone who needs help.
“No Muslim Ban Ever”: Organizers Hold Week of Resistance as Courts Debate Ban
The human impacts of the Muslim ban have been the focus of the New York Immigration Coalition's work since January.
Dahr Jamail | Former US Intelligence Officers Scathingly Critique Trump’s So-Called Foreign Policy
Trump's Syria missile attack violated international law and set a dangerous tone for US foreign policy.
Chomsky on Syria: We Must Help Fleeing Refugees and Pursue Diplomatic Settlement
Amy Goodman speaks to Noam Chomsky and asks him what he thinks the US should do about Syria.
“Trauma on Trauma”: For Refugee Children, the Journey Is Just the Beginning
Confinement in immigrant family jails traumatizes refugee children fleeing violence.
Despair in Europe’s Camps
A deal between Turkey and the EU has had disastrous consequences for refugees — but thousands across Europe are demanding that they be let in.
How Trump’s Environmental Agenda Will Exacerbate the Refugee Crisis
Trump has proven himself a direct adversary of climate refugees and their fight.