Let’s Celebrate Mothers Who Are Fighting to Set Their Loved Ones Free
On Mother’s Day, let’s join these mamas and stewards of care who are resisting state violence and injustice globally.
My Child Is Incarcerated. One Second in This Unjust System Is Too Much.
Our children have been entrapped in a web of collaboration involving judges, prosecutors and police officers.
Abuse and Lack of Transparency Fuel Vaccine Mistrust in ICE Jails
The vaccine rollout is being derailed by the fact that the people have no trust in the ICE jailers giving the shots.
Prioritizing Incarcerated People for Vaccine Quickly Reduced COVID in IL Prisons
The state has vaccinated 69 percent of the people in prison. However, most guards are not required to get vaccinated.
The US’s Biggest County Jails Are Sites of Extreme Environmental Injustice
Patterns of incarceration lay bare the relationship between race, poverty and pollution.
To End Mass Incarceration, We Need to Bust the Myths That Prop It Up
Truthout speaks with Victoria Law about her new primer for people who are starting to think about mass incarceration.
Prison Laborers Are Paid Pennies to Maintain the Prisons They’re Incarcerated In
More than 4,000 private corporations in the U.S. have a financial stake in the expansion of the public prison system.
Cuomo’s Gender-Based Violence Includes His Failure to Free Imprisoned Survivors
Incarcerated survivors are being erased from the narrative of Cuomo's abuse.
Virginia Gov. Restores Voting Rights for Persons Formerly Convicted of a Felony
The change in the policy does not allow incarcerated individuals to vote while in prison.
Louisiana Hunger Strikers — Already in Solitary — Are Being Brutally Punished
The reprisals against the hunger strikers have included being “sprayed down” with mace within an enclosed cell block.