Anti-Lynching Laws Were Never Meant to Defend Black Lives: The Case of Jasmine Abdullah
These laws were invented not to protect Black lives but to allow the state to define the boundaries of legalized violence.
When a Killer Cop Retires: The Resignation of Dante Servin
Under Chicago's complicit government, instead of getting fired for killing Rekia Boyd, Dante Servin got away with murder.
The Shooting of Dion Avila Damon: A Case of Extrajudicial Killing by the Police?
Efforts to justify the killing of Dion Avila Damon by alleging he robbed a bank fail to recognize his right to due process.
Gangbusters: Law Enforcement’s Dubious Means to Police Public Housing Residents
With no solid evidence, prosecutors use questionable witness testimony and social media posts to depict a criminal conspiracy.
Former Death Row Prisoner Moreese Bickham Dies at 98: He Served 37 Years for Killing Klansmen Cops
Bickham said the officers were Klansmen who had come to kill him.
The First Amendment Hasn’t Stopped Police From Harassing Copwatchers
While courts have ruled that filming the police is a First Amendment right, cops continue to harass those who record them.
NYPD’s Arrests of Citizen Journalists Should Spark Outrage
If freedom of the press means anything, it should protect the growing number of people who use media to hold powerful institutions accountable.
When You Can’t Afford the Cost of Clearing Your Criminal Record
People who've done their time and paid their fines still face barriers to employment.
Gangbusters: How the Upsurge in Anti-Gang Tactics Will Hurt Communities of Color
Are gang raids and so-called “community” policing efforts really decreasing violence in US cities?
How Abusive Police Practices Target Women of Color – and What Women Are Doing About It
Women are working to transform the entrenched system of injustice that allows police to devalue and brutalize women of color.