On Police Injustice: “Fires of Rebellion Burn With Rage, but They Shine With Hope“
The reason Michael Brown's story is not simply a statistic is because the people of Ferguson fought back.
Big Dreams and Bold Steps Toward a Police-Free Future
Is now the time to move toward the abolition of policing?
Community Groups Work to Provide Emergency Medical Alternatives, Separate From Police
U.S. communities are experimenting with alternative first-response models that minimize contact with the police.
Alabama Case Illustrates Difficulties Women Behind Bars Face When Seeking Abortion
Administrators around the country have often thrown up barriers to abortion access.
Black Lives Matter Convergence Ends With Police Pepper-Spraying Teen
More than 1,000 Black Lives Matter supporters converged in Cleveland.
Holder’s Legacy: Mass Incarceration and Protection of Killer Cops, Part II
“All of Holder's hard work and sacrifice on behalf of ‘Corporate America’ now culminates in a big payback.”
“Broken Windows,” Broken Lives and the Ruse of “Public Order” Policing
The murder of Eric Garner brings to light again the never-ending unanswered questions.
Truthout’s Maya Schenwar and Former Prisoner Jason Hernandez Speak Out on Prisons and Policing
President Obama became the first sitting president in history to visit a federal prison.
The Story of Levi Dehmann: Police Violence in Small-Town America
It's not only police vs. Black men, in this country, as the April death of David Levi Dehmann in Ohio sadly demonstrates.
Congress Votes to End DEA’s Controversial Bulk Data Collection Program and Other Amendments
Legislators voted by a simple voice vote last night to end the DEA's controversial bulk data collection programs and three other amendments.