
Mandela and Arafat II
There were, to be sure, profound errors made by the Palestinian leader - not the least of which was the trust he placed in the agreements he signed.

Obama’s Praise for Mandela Is an Insult
When President Obama denounces world leaders who praise Nelson Mandela while crushing dissent and resisting reform in their own countries, he should have had a look in the mirror.

Israel: Legitimacy and Behavior – an Analysis
In the end just existing will not confer legitimacy on Israel, just as merely being a living person does not confer a normal status in society to a criminal.

Interview With UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk: Legitimacy Is the Agency of History
Richard Falk argues that Palestinian participation in the peace process has few upsides and scorns political leaders who act as though hard power were the agency of history.

Israel-Palestine: Enough Negotiations Already!
Palestinians should not lend their name to a charade of endless negotiations while historic Palestine disappears.

Who’s in Charge: Israel or the USA?
“Washington DC is in effect an Israeli colony. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are Israeli-occupied territories,” writes Avnery.

Palestine Today Interview with Ramzy Baroud and Adam Keller
With Harry Fear and Kathleen Wells: we speak with Palestinian author Ramzy Baroud about the disunity crisis and Israeli activist Adam Keller about Israel's occupation policies.

Israeli Exceptionalism at the United Nations
Israeli officials mistakenly dismiss criticism as the product of an u2018anti-Israel bias.u2019 But when a state agrees to uphold certain universal human rights and then fails to do so …

‘I Sold My Sister for 300 Dollars’
Palestinian refugees reduces to immense poverty are forced to sell young family members into arranged marriages for money.

Statement on Resignation of Palestinian Negotiations Team
In reference to the latest reports concerning the resignation of the Palestinian negotiations team from the final status negotiations, the PLO u2013 Negotiations Affairs Department would like to announce …