
Rand Paul: Kicking Palestinians Is a Freebie
Rand Paul's bill would require a cut-off of aid to the Palestinians simply for joining the ICC.

Palestinian Political Prisoner Writes Letter of Solidarity with Black Americans
Palestinians have a long history of standing in solidarity with black Americans and oppressed groups around the world.

The Problem With Mahmoud Abbas and His Authority
The problem with Abbas, however, is bigger than Abbas himself. The ailment lies in the very political culture and class that sustained and benefited from political corruption for over …

A Bad End to a Bad Year
During the last two weeks of December, the US countered three different efforts designed to affirm Palestinian rights.

Defying US and Israel, Will ICC Membership Bring Justice to Stateless and Occupied Palestinians?
Palestinian leaders have submitted a request to join the International Criminal Court.

Let’s Not Punish the Palestinians for Joining the International Court
Too many liberals claim to oppose Israeli expansion in the West Bank, but object strenuously to anyone trying to stop it.

The Silent Cry of Bethlehem
Suffering under an Israeli military occupation since 1967, Bethlehem is slowly being strangled.

No Exit in Gaza: Broken Homes and Broken Lives
Four months ago, the Awajah family's home was demolished by the Israeli military - and it wasn't the first time.

Talk of a Third Intifada: Where to From Here, Palestine?
Using history as a side note in a brief news report or political analysis oftentimes does more harm than good.

Dahr Jamail | Rasmea Odeh: Victim of Institutional Oppression, From Israel to the US
The conviction of leading Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh could set a troublesome precedent if evidence from a foreign military court stands in a US court.