
Rep. Keith Ellison: Postpone Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress
Call your representative and urge him or her to sign the Ellison letter calling to postpone Netanyahu's speech.

Dear Syria: From One Refugee to Another
Dear Syrian refugee, it has been 66 years and counting since my people's dispossession began. We are yet to return, but that is a battle for my children, and …

Seeking Accountability: Palestine’s Recourse to the ICC
Palestine's application to the International Criminal Court is a welcome step toward holding Israel accountable.

ICC to Probe Possible Israeli War Crimes Against Palestinians
The International Criminal Court will take the first step in a process to determine whether Israel committed war crimes in Palestine.

BDS, Academic Freedom and Self-Censoring Debate on Campus
When academics decide to self-censor and not debate Israel-Palestine, they have given up their academic freedom.

South African Civil Rights Leader Calls Israeli Apartheid of Palestinians Much More Violent Than South African Government Treatment of Blacks
Boesak called the US government protection of the Israeli government's actions the single most important reason why apartheid Israel exists.

Israeli Military Officers: Don’t Punish Palestine for Joining the ICC
Opponents of Rand Paul's proposal to punish Palestinians for applying to join the ICC just got some powerful reinforcements.

Attack First, Kill First and Claim Self-Defense
Supposed self-defense against rockets diverted attention from war crimes allegations, but neither facts nor law support Israeli self-defense claims.

Rand Paul: Kicking Palestinians Is a Freebie
Rand Paul's bill would require a cut-off of aid to the Palestinians simply for joining the ICC.

Palestinian Political Prisoner Writes Letter of Solidarity with Black Americans
Palestinians have a long history of standing in solidarity with black Americans and oppressed groups around the world.