Silencing Critics of Israel
Israel doesn't accept criticism. In fact, whether from friend or foe, even mild criticism is viewed as an existential threat.
Biggest Israeli Demolition in a Decade Leaves 100 Homeless
The demolitions were carried out in an area Israel declared a closed military zone as far back as the 1970s.
Israel-Backed Group Sues Food Co-op for Boycotting Israeli Products
In 2012 and 2014, courts ruled that the anti-boycott litigants pay damages to the Olympia Food Co-op's board members.
The Logic of Hunger Striking Palestinians: When Starvation Is a Weapon
Their battles were never concerned with the freedom of individuals, but of an entire group of oppressed and outraged people.
Widening the Frame: The Connections Between Queer and Palestinian Liberation
Will the LGBTQ community align itself with state power and its abusers, or struggle in solidarity for collective liberation?
Nonviolent Resistance in the South Hebron Hills of Palestine
No child's walk to school should involve armed soldiers and fear of sometimes being chased and assaulted by angry adults.
UN Fiddles While Palestine Burns
For a whole generation of Palestinians who have grown up since the 1993 signing of the Oslo Accords, daily life continues to deteriorate.
“The Settlers”: New Film Reveals History and Consequences of Israeli Settlements
We examine the history and consequences of decades of Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian lands.
In Praise of Discomfort: Learning From Dr. King and Confronting Pinkwashing
Solidarity activists seeking to stop Israeli pinkwashing are following MLK's example by using tension to achieve justice.
Defined by Nakba and Exile: The Complex Reality of “Home” for Palestinians
When ISIS militias swept into Mosel, Iraq, in June 2014, Ibrahim Mahmoud plotted his flight, along with his whole family, which included 11 children.